Gamer luv

CRank: 5Score: 5530

but just because a select few on this site down play the game, doesnt mean the game isnt full of quality.
Name another shooter which does what MW2 does better, sorry i cannot think of one.
The sheer popularity to me is what makes the game a success.

5283d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I feel this is a pointless article and not worth the read.
In my opinion i believe the author is a sour pissed of gamer who is disapointed with the last call of duty.
Massively overhyped? Modern Warfare 2 is far from perfect, however it has sold millions on both the PS3 and 360 and millions of gamers have fallen in love with it. I purchased the game and although i havent played it in a while i found it massively entertaining and found it very difficult to stop playing once i start...

5283d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I would like to see remade is Unholy Wars.
That game with the current hardware would be a blast.

Anyone else remember it??

5284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel the only valid point in this whole article is the last paragraph, all the rest is garbage.

5287d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I believe 7 million is total sales for all regions, not for America and UK only.

Also %55 of the 4.7 million copies is considerably higher then just a little difference, has the pattern for multiplat games selling more on Xbox 360 then the PS3 changed? If not i would expect this to outsell the PS3 version by quite a a margin, only because this is the way it seems to happen.

5338d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't understand how this is news.
One guys opinion on something we've read countless articles on.

5418d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My screen actualy flashed


So something at E3 about maybe a 5th Metal Gear?
Didnt Kojima say the 4th metal gear was the last??

I think what some people are saying about DLC for number 4 is more probable, like a near story with another charecter...
Something like the DLC for GTA only for MG

5512d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Sorry i dont agree with you there, i believe Uncharted if anything is over rated and does not deserve to fit into the under rated section.

its a great game and im not bashing it, but for what it is? It got alot more praise then i think it should of.

I also feel its the first major game of the Ps3's life and the people who have it got it in a bundle or picked it up eagerly because there was nothing else "major" to get at the time...

5584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That this is a very good article.
I agree with the games there and understand what he means by underrated, with the exception of Heavenly Sword as i remember that game was very hyped.

This article is not about the scores it was reviewed at, thats not what under rated means, simply how we as the public look at those games and if Condemed 2 is anything like the first then i would totaly agree with it being under rated simply because you hear nothing of it in a sense that ever...

5584d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only NFS game i have ever enjoyed was NFS2 Underground.

The game was truly entertaining.

Most Wanted was ok (i think, the first on the 360???) but then the rest i lost interest in.

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like Mario =D

But yh jesus i didnt even kno the one b4 this was out soo soon.
Seems like theres one every 5 months

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you never hear of 360 fans going "its pre alpha".

come on. wtf is pre alpha isnt that, like the god dam drawing board?

Stop using it as an excuse and accept the fact the Playstation is great, but not flawless.

Dont believe all pr u read, people are still trying to tell me the Killzone 2 demo is alpha and no where near full game???

5609d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not bashing, but am i the ONLY person who feels cheated by Killzone 2?

I was so hyped for the game, I couldnt wait to play the game which "set the mark".

But now i see why other large games do not have a demo, it ruins it for you in so many ways.

Although the game (demo) is being renowned as the best looking shooter, am i the only person who continues to think that the game looks cartoony? The shooting feels wack and the hit detection is even w...

5609d ago 1 agree20 disagreeView comment

Strange because people are saying its a 2 game deal when it was announced just after gears 1 that it was a trillogy deal.

But hey u ps3 owners think gears sucks so why bother?

5609d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

One is for the xbox 360 and the other is for ps3

Plus 360 version has nstc on the top right corner.

5623d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


if you understood hes article he was simply saying people do not read the articles in question, but just try to defend the console.

Which is kind of true dont you agree?
And he was simply stating that by putting the title of this article as Sony Fanboys dont read, theres a high possibility of getting people defending the "Sony Fanboys" without reading the article.

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IE wont come out on top.

I also believe Mozilla is up for some stiff competion because i have taken a liking to Googles Chrome.

5628d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course they matter a little.
To people who use this site however, i believe no.

If your interested in games enough to register for a site like this, then chances are you are going to know a little more then the average person about games being released etc.

So unless your the girlfriend (or boyfriend) of a gamer or a parent looking to buy a game for someone i doubt they really matter particularly, unless its a toss up for to games i guess maybe you would com...

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they were being strategic wouldnt they allow for all PS3's to be BC?

Personaly i cudnt care less about it but i know there are people who still play PS2 games but the way i see it if its able to play PS2 games, owners cud trade in there old consoles, controllers towards a new PS3?

**EDIT** Yeah i have a BC PS3 and i dont think ive ever used it apart from once when there was a lack of games (launch) to play FF7.

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Am a huge xbox 360 fan over the PS3.

However, never ever liked GTA series as to me its probably the most boring game ive ever come across.
Will i be paying for the DLC?
I dont think so.

What is Starcraft? Havent even herd of it?

I always play my Xbox 360. Multiplat games, i get on my 360. PS3 has pretty much got nothing to play apart from the launch games i got at the start just because i needed something to play on it, its primarl...

5643d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment